College News

Student Orientation & Induction Prorgam-2022 (Day-10, Session 3)

Day X: Friday, 25 November 2022 (Session III)

Topic: ‘Why toastmasters International?

Speaker: Ms. Kanchan Sonik

Time: 1.30pm-2.30pm

Mode: Offline

Ms. Kanchan Sonik started her session by stating the objective of toastmasters which is to develop young students to be a leader transforming their talent with toastmasters. “These four years of engineering will decide the next 40 years,” she said.

She explained the traits of a good leader and highlighted the importance time management in life. She then talked of what actually a toastmaster is:

  • A worldwide non-profit educational organization that empowers people to become more effective communicators and leaders.
  • A network of over 352000 members in more than 16400 clubs across 141 countries.
  • A nearly 100-year-old company known for Public Speaking
  • She also talked of the various notable colleges having successful Toastmasters club and over 500 companies having toastmasters club.

In toastmasters club, she told the students of what they will learn: Conduct effective meetings, Practice time management, enhance their listening skills, sharpen their presentation skills, Boost team collaboration, guide successful teams, take and implement feedback etc.

She described the toastmasters club experience as: Hands on learning environment, Practice prepared and impromptu speeches, receive feedback and evaluations in a supportive environment, opportunities to lead at every meeting, access to a mentor etc.

She ended her sessions by asking students to break barriers and not to break budget.

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