College News

Student Orientation and Induction Program (Day 8 – Session 2)

Day 8 Session II [18th August, 2023 / 12:15 PM – 01:15 PM]

Topic –Expectations from fresh Students to Industrial Culture

Speaker – Mr. Nitin Kulkarni


Mr. Nitin Kulkarni, Senior manager HR at AITG Group Umasons Auto Company Pvt. Ltd was warmly welcomed by the Chief Warden, Prof. Sachin Bhagat honouring him with memento and shawl as tokens of respect. He commenced his informative session centred on human values.

The talk then focused on understanding the differences between what people expect and what actually happens in the industrial world. A focal point of his session was an illumination of the multifaceted expectations that companies hold for budding engineers.

A cornerstone of his presentation was the vital role of proficient communication skills. He emphasized that an engineer’s skill must incorporate adeptness in listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Furthermore, he emphasized the significance of acquiring knowledge that exceeds the limitations of textbooks, stressing the intrinsic value of practical, real-world insights.

The session flowed smoothly into the topic of leadership ability, with him highlighting its development in an engineer’s profile. Recognizing the changing nature of technology, he advised aspiring engineers to remain prepared for continual updates in the field, reinforcing the essence of adaptability.

Foreseeing the global nature of modern industries, he emphasized the willingness to travel as an invaluable trait. Proficiency in foreign languages, he said, could greatly enhance one’s professional expertise and learning a new language can also help you to improve your cognitive skills, such as memory, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

Concluding on a personal note, he shared anecdotes from his own professional journey, offering real insights into the challenges and rewards of the engineering realm. The session underlined the essential union of human values, technical skills, adaptability, and a forward-looking approach in carving a successful trajectory in the ever-evolving landscape of engineering.

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