College News

Student Orientation & Induction Prorgam-2022 (Day-6, Session 1)

Day VI: Monday, 21 November 2022 (Session I)

Topic: Lessons from the Battlefield for a Successful Life

Speaker: Maj. Gen. Bali, Leadscape Advisor

Time: 11.00am-12.00pm

Mode:  Online


Maj. Gen. Bali commenced his session by offering insights of his defence career & discussed the discipline in army’s life and normal people’s lives.

He asked all to believe that I am going to be successful; I am going to be the best.

He said:

Engineers, who reach the top, have latest knowledge, know how to deal with people, and are considered reliable.

Improve English speaking by reading the books.

He told some lesson from army’s life is, hope is not a plan, it’s just a dream and being average is never enough. He suggested to remember three things

  • You can make your own future.
  • Life only rewards action, not words.
  • Take daily small steps to become better.

Lion is the king of jungle because he believes that he is the king of jungle. Your belief about self is important.

Winners are disciplined. He illustrated it by citing the example of Marshmallow Test (1973).

He discussed the necessary things for self-control.

He quoted Nelson Mandela: “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”

To change the habit, take small steps but do it daily. If you slip, start again. Falling is not bad, get back is a track. Hard work will always beat talent and preparation makes you lucky.

He told about the four secrets to get discipline,

  1. Hard work first and fun later.
  2. Focus on habit, every little thing counts
  3. Never forget your goal.
  4. Value your time.

Some tips for managing time:

  1. Learn from the army – punctuality matters.
  2. Be specific.
  3. Use Checklist.
  4. Reduce your social media activities.
  5. Do the important and difficult things first.

He illustrated the way you spend time.

He advised students to follow the following:

  1. Learn to speak well – be a great listener, rehearse.
  2. Winners set great examples – work harder at work, be solid at your work, take responsibility, be the best-behaved person.
  3. Winner believe in work not luck.

He told the story of Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw’s to the students and the Indian Army’s approach to success.

This session was highly motivating and inspiring.

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