College News

Student Orientation and Induction Program (Day 6 – Session 1)

Day 6: Session 1 – 14th August, 2023 [11:00 AM – 12:00 PM]

Topic – “Opportunities of Higher Studies in Abroad”

Speaker: Mr. Parashar Pandya


Mr. Parashar Pandya is an Associate/Consultant at Jamboree, Mumbai. He was very interactive with students and has extensive experience in  preparation for higher studies in the UK and the US.Mr. Pandya studied at Mithibai College, Mumbai, where he gained knowledge from his acquaintances and learned to be mindful of his interactions with others.

Mr. Pandya studied abroad at the University of Leicester, where his classmates were from 15-20 countries. He said people don’t go abroad to make money, but to learn and experience new cultures. Students need to take tests and complete documentation to study abroad. The GRE is a math and writing test, so communication skills are important.

He said that students can gain an edge over others by participating in extracurricular activities, which are important to foreign universities. He also explained that students should choose universities that specialize in what they want to do and that they should not just go to famous universities. He also stressed the importance of research work and networking.

Mr. Pandya quoted Jim Rohn, who said, “You are the average of the five people you hang out with.” He explained the importance of internships and offline work experience and said that 99% of what we study in school does not come in handy in real life. He also said that using hat GPT can change the way we work.

Here are some additional tips from Mr. Pandya for students who are considering studying abroad:

  • Start planning early. The application process can be long and complex, so it’s important to start planning as early as possible.
  • Do your research. There are many different countries and universities to choose from, so it’s important to do your research and find the right fit for you.
  • Be prepared for culture shock. Moving to a new country can be a culture shock, so it’s important to be prepared for the differences in culture and lifestyle.
  • Make an effort to meet new people. One of the best things about studying abroad is the opportunity to meet new people from different cultures.

He concluded the session by wishing all the best to the students who had just begun their engineering journey.

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