College News

Student Orientation and Induction Program (Day 9 – Session 3)

Day 9: Session III – 19th August, 2023 [11:30 AM – 12:30 PM]

Topic – Overall Career Prospects

Speaker: Mr. Nitinkumar Gaikwad


Mr. Nitinkumar Gaikwad, Busines Relationship Manager, TCS, Frankfurt, Germany was welcomed by Mr. Ajinkya Nagare, student coordinator, who presented him with memento and shawl as tokens of respect. The session commenced with gratitude towards the college for providing the opportunity, and, as an alumnus, he shared his personal college experience and insights into college placements.

He underscored the significance of leadership by drawing from his own experiences during his polytechnic journey, encouraging students to be practical in asking questions and seeking guidance. He emphasized the idea that one’s career path need not be limited by their branch of study, illustrating this point with his own trajectory as an electrical engineer working at TCS.

He provided valuable insights into the current job market scenario, stressing the importance of building lasting connections and improving interpersonal skills, offering real-world examples. He further explained the concept that individuals have the power to create or miss opportunities and explained the evolution of industries over the last decade through practical illustrations.

Financial carefulness and the importance of savings were also discussed. He highlighted the significance of cultivating meaningful friendships. He shared compelling statistics about India’s potential for job growth in the upcoming years and relayed his experiences from living in Germany, comparing it to life in Maharashtra.

The Q&A session that followed was enlightening, featuring questions ranging from TCS’s focus on not manufacturing products to ideal countries for starting a business or pursuing higher studies, potential career pitfalls, and the complexities of living abroad. These questions and their answers provided valuable insights into the concerns and aspirations of the students.

In conclusion, his session was a comprehensive journey through personal experiences, career advice, and global insights. It resonated with students as they considered their own career paths and the broader landscape of opportunities and challenges.

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