Student Orientation & Induction Prorgam-2022 (Day-8, Session 1)
Day VIII: Wednesday, 23 November 2022 (Session I)
Topic: Need of Skill Development for Building Engineering to be part of the Industry Ready Workforce
Speaker: Mr. Sachin Satpute, Director & CEO, Edu Plus Now, Pune
Time: 11.00am-12.00noon
Mode: Online
Mr. Sachin Satpute started his session with a few questions like: Are we industry ready? / What is industry ready? / Why to be industry ready? / How to be Industry ready?
He answered all these questions with numerous examples from industry and advised students “Be industry ready and be industry-centric”.
He shared the significance of: Skill Development for professionals, Skills of Engineering needed for industry, the Initiative Drives of Govt of India and Innovation & Technology.
He elaborated the role of passion and skills to achieve goals in life by citing the example of Sachin Tendulkar. He asked students to keep on learning new technology and always think out of the box.
He stated that “There is no option/alternative for lifelong learning” and further suggested that “Get yourself where your interest is; the branch doesn’t matter. Be interdisciplinary to pursue your career”. One should have good communication skills to progress in professional life.
He talked about Demographic change, Core Engineering Sector, Practical based teaching, technical skills, Employability skills, Engineering Responsibilities, and also the practices young Engineers should avoid.
“Start your Career and Stay in your Career”, he said and ended the session by answering the questions asked by the students.
It was really an insightful session through which students understood the industry demands from engineers.