College News

Day 2 Student Orientation and Induction Program – Session I (13th September 2024)

Topic: “A Journey in UI/UX ”
Speaker: Mr. Kamlesh Shirbhate, Head of the Centre of Excellence – UI/UX at Bizsense Solutions Pvt. Ltd
The orientation and induction program commenced with extending a warm welcome to attendees and introducing the guest speaker, Mr. Kamlesh Shirbhate, who holds the distinguished position of Head of the Centre of Excellence – UI/UX at Bizsense Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Before the commencement of his session on UI/UX, Mr. Shirbhate was felicitated by final-year student Ajinkya Nagare in a formal ceremony.
Mr. Shirbhate initiated the session by conducting an assessment of the student’s familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to establish a baseline understanding of front-end development. Subsequently, he embarked on an exploration of the foundation of frontend technology, elucidating its components and emphasizing the pivotal role played by UI/UX in fostering a seamless user experience. Utilizing Lenskart as an illustrative example, he highlighted the profound impact that UI/UX exerts on user retention and satisfaction, underscoring its critical significance in the realm of modern applications.
As part of his presentation, Mr. Shirbhate delved into an examination of prevailing trends in UI/UX design, encompassing the emergence of dark mode, the importance of micro-interactions, the increasing prevalence of voice user interfaces, and the growing demand for personalized experiences. Furthermore, he introduced widely utilized frontend frameworks such as React and Angular, accentuating their relevance within the industry for developing dynamic applications.
The speaker proceeded to outline the key competencies essential for achieving success in the field of UI/UX, which included proficiency in core technologies, effective collaboration, expertise in responsive design, and robust problem-solving abilities. He employed real-world examples, such as Flipkart and Lenskart, to illustrate the manner in which UI/UX influences user behavior and decision-making on e-commerce platforms.
In his exploration of the evolution of UI, Mr. Shirbhate provided a concise overview of its past, present, and future, with particular emphasis on the contemporary trend of adopting a mobile-first approach. He also acknowledged the burgeoning role of augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) in enhancing user experiences, citing Lenskart’s integration of AR/VR as a noteworthy example.
In his concluding remarks, Mr. Shirbhate underscored the imperative of embracing lifelong learning, encouraging students to remain abreast of industry advancements. He spoke of the ample opportunities for creative problem-solving that the field of UI/UX offers, motivating attendees to explore innovative solutions in their work. He concluded on an optimistic note, assuring students that a promising future awaits those willing to continuously learn and innovate in the dynamic and ever-evolving world of UI/UX.

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